How to Add Your Microsoft Exchange Email Accounts

Learn how to add your Microsoft Exchange email accounts to AutoMailer.


Last Update год назад

Here’s a simple guide on how to connect your Microsoft Outlook/Exchange/Office 365 accounts to get them set up for your AutoMailer campaign.

Step 1: Head on over to the Email Accounts tab.

Step 2: Select the Connect Microsoft option. 

Step 3: Click Proceed for the permission request. 

Step 4: Select your Microsoft account. 

Step 5: Hit Accept for the permissions request and you’re set! 

Congratulations! Your Microsoft Outlook/Exchange/Office 365 email account is now connected to AutoMailer and is ready to launch a campaign. Prior to launching your campaign, make sure to adjust your sending speed settings and turn on email warm-up for the best efficiency.

If you need any further assistance with the platform, feel free to contact customer support through the Support tab or email

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